Set up directory structure
mkdir uniphone cd uniphone $SPPDIR/src/unitsel/setup_clunits cmu us YOURNAME uniphonePrompts are in etc/ Build the synthesis prompts with
festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_prompts "etc/")'Record the prompts
bin/prompt_them etc/data 1Label the utterances
bin/make_labs prompt-wav/*.wavHand correct the labels (in emulabe selected open and hit enter in the new window once you've selected it). Double click on the fileids
emulabel etc/emu_labExtract pitchmarks and Mel Cepstral Coefficients
bin/make_pm_wave wav/*.wav bin/make_mcep wav/*.wavIntegrate the labelled durations into the utterances
festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_utts "etc/")'Build the unit selection synthesizer
festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits "etc/")'Build the lpc coefficients so we can do ptich and duration modification.
bin/make_lpc wav/*.wavRun the synthesizer voice
festival festvox/cmu_us_YOURNAME_clunits.scm ... festival> (voice_cmu_us_YOURNAME_clunits) ... festival> (SayText "Hello world") ...To change the pitch range edit festvox/cmu_us_YOURNAME_f0model.scm change the target_f0_mean and stddev. Duration can be controlled in festvox/cmu_us_YOURNAME_duration.scm (the duration stretch bit).