Blizzard 2007
in conjunction with the
Sixth ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis
Bonn, Germany / August 25, 2007

The Blizzard Challenge 2007

Mark Fraser, Simon King

Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

In Blizzard 2007, the third Blizzard Challenge, participants were asked to build voices from a dataset, a defined subset and, following certain constraints, a subset of their choice. A set of test sentences was then released to be synthesised. An online evaluation of the submitted synthesised sentences focused on naturalness and intelligibility, and added new sec- tions for degree of similarity to the original speaker, and similarity in terms of naturalness of pairs of sentences from different systems. We summarise this year's Blizzard Challenge and look ahead to possible designs for Blizzard 2008 in the light of participant and listener feedback.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Fraser, Mark / King, Simon (2007): "The Blizzard Challenge 2007", In BLZ3-2007, paper 001.