Blizzard 2007
in conjunction with the
Sixth ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis
Bonn, Germany / August 25, 2007

The VoiceText Text-to-Speech System for the Blizzard Challenge 2007

Won-Suk Jun, Deok-Su Na, Seong-Won Kim, Myung Kim, Joon-Woo Lee, Jong-Seok Lee

Voiceware, Co., Ltd, Seoul, Korea

This paper introduces the VoiceText text-to-speech system developed by Voiceware. By means of corpus based concatenative speech synthesis technique, we built high quality synthetic voices using the dataset provided for the Blizzard challenge 2007. The evaluation results show that VoiceText achieved high performances in both naturalness and intelligibility of synthesized speech.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Jun, Won-Suk / Na, Deok-Su / Kim, Seong-Won / Kim, Myung / Lee, Joon-Woo / Lee, Jong-Seok (2007): "The Voicetext text-to-speech system for the Blizzard Challenge 2007", In BLZ3-2007, paper 018.