#!/bin/sh ####################################################-*-mode:shell-script-*- ## ## ## Language Technologies Institute ## ## Carnegie Mellon University ## ## Copyright (c) 2000-2002 ## ## All Rights Reserved. ## ## ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use and distribute ## ## this software and its documentation without restriction, including ## ## without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ## ## distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this work, and to ## ## permit persons to whom this work is furnished to do so, subject to ## ## the following conditions: ## ## 1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ## ## conditions and the following disclaimer. ## ## 2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. ## ## 3. Original authors' names are not deleted. ## ## 4. The authors' names are not used to endorse or promote products ## ## derived from this software without specific prior written ## ## permission. ## ## ## ## CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY AND THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS WORK ## ## DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ## ## ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT ## ## SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY NOR THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ## ## FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ## ## WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN ## ## AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ## ## ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF ## ## THIS SOFTWARE. ## ## ## ########################################################################### ## ## ## Label spoken utterances with Sphinx2 aligner ## ## ## ########################################################################### if [ ! "$SPHINX2DIR" ] then echo "environment variable SPHINX2DIR is unset" echo "set it to your local Sphinx2 is installed e.g." echo ' bash$ export SPHINX2DIR=/home/awb/projects/sphinx2/' echo or echo ' csh% setenv SPHINX2DIR /home/awb/projects/sphinx2/' echo 'such that $SPHINX2DIR/bin/sphinx2-batch exists' exit 1 fi . ./etc/voice.defs S2BATCH=$SPHINX2DIR/bin/sphinx2-batch # the HMM directory HMM=st/model_parameters/$FV_VOICENAME.s2models/ # the 'task'; files for this db TASK=st/wav DICFILE=st/etc/$FV_VOICENAME.dic NDICFILE=st/etc/$FV_VOICENAME.sil # the control file, which lists the utterance names, one per line CTLFILE=st/etc/$FV_VOICENAME.fileids # the transcripts, one per line, to be used for the alignment TACTLFN=st/etc/$FV_VOICENAME.align #$S2BATCH -adcin TRUE -adcext wav -ctlfn ${CTLFILE} -tactlfn ${TACTLFN} -ctloffset 0 -ctlcount 100000000 -datadir wav -agcmax FALSE -langwt 6.5 -fwdflatlw 8.5 -rescorelw 9.5 -ugwt 0.5 -fillpen 1e-10 -silpen 1e-10 -inspen 0.65 -top 1 -topsenfrm 3 -topsenthresh -70000 -beam 2e-06 -npbeam 2e-06 -lpbeam 2e-05 -lponlybeam 0.0005 -nwbeam 0.0005 -fwdflat FALSE -fwdflatbeam 1e-08 -fwdflatnwbeam 0.0003 -bestpath TRUE -kbdumpdir ${TASK} -dictfn ${DICFILE} -ndictfn ${NDICFILE} -phnfn ${HMM}/phone -mapfn ${HMM}/map -hmmdir ${HMM} -hmmdirlist ${HMM} -8bsen TRUE -sendumpfn ${HMM}/sendump -cbdir ${HMM} -phonelabdir st/lab #$S2BATCH -adcin TRUE -adcext wav -ctlfn ${CTLFILE} -tactlfn ${TACTLFN} -ctloffset 0 -ctlcount 100000000 -datadir wav -agcmax FALSE -langwt 6.5 -fwdflatlw 8.5 -rescorelw 9.5 -ugwt 0.5 -fillpen 1e-10 -silpen 1e-10 -inspen 0.65 -topn 4 -topsenfrm 3 -topsenthresh -70000 -beam 2e-90 -npbeam 2e-06 -lpbeam 2e-05 -lponlybeam 0.0005 -nwbeam 0.0005 -fwdflat FALSE -fwdflatbeam 1e-08 -fwdflatnwbeam 0.0003 -bestpath TRUE -kbdumpdir ${TASK} -dictfn ${DICFILE} -fdictfn ${NDICFILE} -phnfn ${HMM}/phone -mapfn ${HMM}/map -hmmdir ${HMM} -hmmdirlist ${HMM} -8bsen TRUE -sendumpfn ${HMM}/sendump -cbdir ${HMM} -phonelabdir st/lab $S2BATCH -adcin TRUE -adcext wav -ctlfn ${CTLFILE} -tactlfn ${TACTLFN} -ctloffset 0 -ctlcount 100000000 -datadir wav -agcmax FALSE -langwt 6.5 -fwdflatlw 8.5 -rescorelw 9.5 -ugwt 0.5 -fillpen 1e-10 -silpen 1e-10 -inspen 0.65 -topn 5 -topsenfrm 3 -topsenthresh -70000 -beam 2e-90 -npbeam 2e-90 -lpbeam 2e-90 -lponlybeam 0.0005 -nwbeam 0.0005 -fwdflat FALSE -fwdflatbeam 1e-08 -fwdflatnwbeam 0.0003 -bestpath TRUE -kbdumpdir ${TASK} -dictfn ${DICFILE} -fdictfn ${NDICFILE} -phnfn ${HMM}/phone -mapfn ${HMM}/map -hmmdir ${HMM} -hmmdirlist ${HMM} -8bsen TRUE -sendumpfn ${HMM}/sendump -cbdir ${HMM} -phonelabdir st/lab