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Wilderness: Biali

Language Name: Biali
TLC: beh

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 7.60
#utts aligned: 9338
Duration: 14:38:16

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 5.67

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: BEHWBT.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=5.67)

Input Text: Matiei
Pronunciation:  pau m A t i e i pau
Input Text: Yesu halabǝ hira hyamǝ:
Pronunciation:  pau j e s u h A l A b u01DDp h i r A h j A m u01DDp pau
Input Text: Yesu Kirisu yeinǝ Abǝraham dǝ Dafidǝ, bǝ furu hyahǝ e.
Pronunciation:  pau j e s u k i r i s u j e i n u01DDp A b u01DDp r A h A m d u01DDp d A f i d u01DDp pau b u01DDp f u r u h j A h u01DDp e pau
Input Text: Abǝraham e n sandǝ-u Isakǝ, Isakǝ sandǝ Sakobǝ;
Pronunciation:  pau A b u01DDp r A h A m e n s A n d u01DDp u i s A k u01DDp pau i s A k u01DDp s A n d u01DDp s A k o b u01DDp pau
Input Text: Sakobǝ sandǝ Suda dǝ u hywambǝsi;
Pronunciation:  pau s A k o b u01DDp s A n d u01DDp s u d A d u01DDp u h j w A m b u01DDp s i pau
Input Text: Suda sandǝ Faresu dǝ Sera, sǝ hyuou e Tamarǝ;
Pronunciation:  pau s u d A s A n d u01DDp f A r e s u d u01DDp s e r A pau s u01DDp h j u o u e t A m A r u01DDp pau
Input Text: Faresǝ sandǝ Hesǝronǝ;
Pronunciation:  pau f A r e s u01DDp s A n d u01DDp h e s u01DDp r o n u01DDp pau
Input Text: Hesǝronǝ sandǝ Aram;
Pronunciation:  pau h e s u01DDp r o n u01DDp s A n d u01DDp A r A m pau
Input Text: Aram sandǝ Aminadabǝ;
Pronunciation:  pau A r A m s A n d u01DDp A m i n A d A b u01DDp pau
Input Text: Aminadabǝ sandǝ Nasonǝ;
Pronunciation:  pau A m i n A d A b u01DDp s A n d u01DDp n A s o n u01DDp pau

Alignment examples

Text: Yesu Kirisu yeinǝ Abǝraham dǝ Dafidǝ, bǝ furu hyahǝ e.
Aligned to: 
Text: Abǝraham e n sandǝ-u Isakǝ, Isakǝ sandǝ Sakobǝ;
Aligned to: 
Text: Sakobǝ sandǝ Suda dǝ u hywambǝsi;
Aligned to: 
Text: Suda sandǝ Faresu dǝ Sera, sǝ hyuou e Tamarǝ;
Aligned to: 
Text: Faresǝ sandǝ Hesǝronǝ;
Aligned to: 
Text: Hesǝronǝ sandǝ Aram;
Aligned to: 
Text: Aminadabǝ sandǝ Nasonǝ;
Aligned to: 
Text: Nasonǝ sandǝ Salǝmonǝ;
Aligned to: 
Text: Salǝmonǝ sandǝ Boosǝ.
Aligned to: