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Wilderness: Chinanteco de Sochiapan

Language Name: Chinanteco de Sochiapan
TLC: cso

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 6.10
#utts aligned: 6085
Duration: 10:23:10

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 4.90

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: CSOTBL.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=4.90)

Input Text: MATEO
Pronunciation:  pau m A t e o pau
Input Text: Hi³ lá² bíh¹ cáun² sí² hi³ cha³² jáɨ¹³ hi³ ca³tɨn¹ Jesús Tsá² lɨ́n³ Cristo, jan² Tsá² jón²zɨ́h¹ jón²cho¹ hla¹ Há²bran²¹ quionh³ hla¹ re²¹ Dá²vi²¹.
Pronunciation:  pau h i u00B3p l A u00B2p b a h u00B9p ch A u n u00B2p s a u00B2p h i u00B3p ch h A u00B3p u00B2p dZ A x012p u00B9p u00B3p h i u00B3p ch A u00B3p t x012p n u00B9p dZ e s y s t s A u00B2p l x012p x020p n u00B3p ch r i s t o pau dZ A n u00B2p t s A u00B2p dZ o n u00B2p z x012p x020p h u00B9p dZ o n u00B2p ch h o u00B9p h l A u00B9p h A u00B2p b r A n u00B2p u00B9p QM u i o n h u00B3p h l A u00B9p r e u00B2p u00B9p d A u00B2p i u00B2p u00B9p pau
Input Text: Jáun² né³, ñí¹ lá² má²ja³toh³ hi³ jmáɨ² tsá²haun³² dí¹hio³ ñú¹deh³ tsú².
Pronunciation:  pau dZ A u n u00B2p n u00E9p u00B3p pau J a u00B9p l A u00B2p m A u00B2p dZ A u00B3p t o h u00B3p h i u00B3p dZ m A x012p u00B2p t s A u00B2p h A u n u00B3p u00B2p d a u00B9p h i o u00B3p J y u00B9p d e h u00B3p t s y u00B2p pau
Input Text: Há²bran²¹ hí³ jmɨ́¹ lɨ́n³ jméi² Isaac, tsá² lɨn³ jméi² Jacob, tsá² lɨn³ jméi² Judá la³ má²quionh³ jɨ³ tsá¹ raɨnh²¹ nɨ́² siáh³.
Pronunciation:  pau h A u00B2p b r A n u00B2p u00B9p h a u00B3p dZ m x012p x020p u00B9p l x012p x020p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p i s A A ch pau t s A u00B2p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p dZ A ch o b pau t s A u00B2p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p dZ u d A l A u00B3p m A u00B2p QM u i o n h u00B3p dZ x012p u00B3p t s A u00B9p r A x012p n h u00B2p u00B9p n x012p x020p u00B2p s i A h u00B3p pau
Input Text: Judá hí³ quionh³ Tamar ñí²cuo² jmɨ́¹ lɨ́n³ jméi² mí¹ziú¹³ Fares quionh³ Zara.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ u d A h a u00B3p QM u i o n h u00B3p t A m A r J a u00B2p ch u o u00B2p dZ m x012p x020p u00B9p l x012p x020p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p m a u00B9p z i y u00B9p u00B3p f A r e s QM u i o n h u00B3p z A r A pau
Input Text: Jáun² Fares hí³ lɨn³ jméi² Esrom tsá² lɨn³ jméi² Aram.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ A u n u00B2p f A r e s h a u00B3p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p e s r o m t s A u00B2p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p A r A m pau
Input Text: Aram hí³ lɨn³ jméi² Aminadab tsá² lɨn³ jméi² Naasón, tsá² lɨn³ siáh³ jméi² Salmón.
Pronunciation:  pau A r A m h a u00B3p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p A m i n A d A b t s A u00B2p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p n A A s o n pau t s A u00B2p l x012p n u00B3p s i A h u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p s A l m o n pau
Input Text: Salmón hí³ quionh³ Rahab ñí²cuo² jmɨ́¹ lɨ́n³ jméi² mí¹ziú¹³ Booz, hi³ jáun² Booz hí³ né³ quionh³ Rut ñí²cuo² jmɨ́¹ lɨ́n³ jméi² mí¹ziú¹³ Obed.
Pronunciation:  pau s A l m o n h a u00B3p QM u i o n h u00B3p r A h A b J a u00B2p ch u o u00B2p dZ m x012p x020p u00B9p l x012p x020p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p m a u00B9p z i y u00B9p u00B3p b o o z pau h i u00B3p dZ A u n u00B2p b o o z h a u00B3p n u00E9p u00B3p QM u i o n h u00B3p r u t J a u00B2p ch u o u00B2p dZ m x012p x020p u00B9p l x012p x020p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p m a u00B9p z i y u00B9p u00B3p o b e d pau
Input Text: Obed hí³ né³ lɨn³ jméi² Isaí.
Pronunciation:  pau o b e d h a u00B3p n u00E9p u00B3p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p i s A a pau
Input Text: Isaí hí³ lɨn³ jméi² hla¹ re²¹ Dá²vi²¹, jáun² re²¹ Dá²vi²¹ la³ má²quionh³ tsá²mɨ³ tsá² jmɨ́¹ ñí²cuo² Urías lɨn³ jméi² mí¹ziú¹³ Salomón.
Pronunciation:  pau i s A a h a u00B3p l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p h l A u00B9p r e u00B2p u00B9p d A u00B2p i u00B2p u00B9p pau dZ A u n u00B2p r e u00B2p u00B9p d A u00B2p i u00B2p u00B9p l A u00B3p m A u00B2p QM u i o n h u00B3p t s A u00B2p m x012p u00B3p t s A u00B2p dZ m x012p x020p u00B9p J a u00B2p ch u o u00B2p u r a A s l x012p n u00B3p dZ m u00E9p i u00B2p m a u00B9p z i y u00B9p u00B3p s A l o m o n pau

Alignment examples

Text: Jáun² né³, Jesús hí³ ca³lɨ³zian² já¹ juú² Belén, hué¹³ Judea, jmáɨ¹ hi³ jmɨ́¹ cuá¹lɨ́n³ Herodes re²¹ hué³² jáun².
Aligned to: 
Text: Jmɨ́¹ lɨ́¹cáɨn² jáun² né³, ca³cha³táunh¹ ma³ jan² tsá²ñuh² já¹ juú² Jerusalén, tsá² já²taunh²¹ tɨ³ juɨ³² ñí¹ hia³² hiú², tsá² quia³lín³ jmɨ́¹ tsɨ́³ hi³ chú² ñih²³ chí¹jmaɨ²¹.
Aligned to: 
Text: Hi³ jáun² tsá² hí³ né³ ca³ngáɨ³:
Aligned to: 
Text: ―¿Ha³ jinh¹ rón³² Tsá² má²ca³lɨ³zian², Tsá² lɨ́n³ Re²¹ Juo¹³ tsá² judíos?
Aligned to: 
Text: Quí¹ tɨ³ ñí¹ hia³² hiú² má²ca³neh²¹ jnoh¹ chí¹jmaɨ²¹ hi³ ca³tɨn¹ tsú², hi³ jáun² jau³ jnoh¹ ñí¹ lá² hi³ ja³ma³tsú¹ ma³jonh²¹ jnoh¹ tsú².
Aligned to: 
Text: Jmɨ́¹ ca³lɨ³ ñi³² re²¹ Herodes jáɨ¹³ nɨ́² né³, ca³la³ lɨ́¹ tiá² ñi³² he³ jmu³ bíh¹ lɨ³, jɨ³ la³jɨ́n³² tsá² zian² já¹ juú² Jerusalén nɨ́² siáh³.
Aligned to: 
Text: Jmɨ́¹jáun² ca³teh³ re²¹ hí³ la³jɨ́n³² tsá² ná¹lɨ́n³ mi³jmú³ jɨ³ tsá² ná¹lɨ́n³ tɨ³² liei²¹ nɨ́², jáun² ca³ngáɨh³ dí² tsá² hí³ ha³ jinh¹ ca³tɨ²¹ hi³ lɨ³zian² Tsá² lɨ́n¹³ Cristo.
Aligned to: 
Text: ―Já¹ juú² Belén hɨ́n¹³ tɨ³ hué¹³ Judea bíh¹ lɨ³zian²;
Aligned to: 
Text: quí¹ jan² hla¹ tɨ³² jë¹ Dió³² ca³juáh³ la³ lá²:
Aligned to: