11-752: week 6 exercises hints

  1. You need to use the General Intonation system to build this. You'll need an accent assignment decision tree and a Scheme function predict the targets for each syllable.

    The accent assignment tree is as mentioned above

    (set! int_accent_cart_tree
      ((R:SylStructure.parent.gpos is content)
       ((stress is 1)
        ((position_type is single)
    And you'll need to write a function that generates the F0 targets, something like
    (define (targ_func1 utt syl)
      "(targ_func1 UTT ITEM)
    Returns a list of targets for the given syllable."
      (let ((start (item.feat syl "syllable_start"))
            (end (item.feat syl "syllable_end")))
         ((string-matches (item.feat syl "R:Intonation.daughter1.name") "Accented")
            (list start 110)
            (list (/ (+ start end) 2.0) 140)
            (list end 100)))
            ;; End of utterance as question
            ;; target for mid point and high end pont
          ( ;; End of utterance but not question
            ;; target for mid point and low end pont

    The condition (equal? nil (item.next syl)) will be true for the last syllable in the utterance and

    (string-matches (item.feat syl 
        "R:SylStructure.parent.R:Word.last.R:Token.parent.punc") "?")
    will be true if there is a question mark at the end of the utterance.

    You also need to set up these functions as the intonation method

    (Parameter.set 'Int_Method 'General)
    (set! int_general_params
           (list 'targ_func targ_func1)))
  2. Basic data in http://festvox.org/dbs/.

    Utterances in DB/festival/utts

    Some basic features in features

    For more features (or add your own) see Festival manual appendix

    Basic command to dump features

    dumpfeats -relation Segment -feats .../feats.basic
         -output .../durfeats.train .../kdt_[0-3]*.utt
    To make a description (there is an example suitable for this feature list in feats.dur, but when you chaneg the feature list you'll need to either edit the given description file or, build a new one with the commend
    make_wagon_desc durfeats.train durfeats.list durfeats.desc
    You will need to edit durfeats.desc but hand to change any float valued features into explicit floats (not a list of all their values). This is true for at least the first feature segment_duration which should be
    (segment_duration float)

    To build a tree use wagon as

    wagon -desc feats.desc -data feats.train -stop 20 -output dur.tree
    And tres a tree with
    wagon_test -desc feats.desc -data feats.test -tree dur.tree
    To get more help on wagon call it with option -h, for more help still see the description of wagon at this page

    In order to run the generated duration model you'll need a duration module that interprets it and sets up fo rthe voice to use it. Such an example is in durmod.scm

    (define (Duration_Simple_Tree utt)
      "Duration_Simple_Tree utt)
    predicts Segment durations with a simple CART tree (that returns
    absolute times in seconds)."
      (let ((end 0))
         (lambda (s)
           (let ((dur (wagon_predict s simple_duration_cart_tree)))
             (set! dur (* (Parameter.get 'Duration_Stretch) dur))
    ;        (format t "%s %f\n" (item.name s) dur)
             (set! end (+ dur end))
             (item.set_feat s "end" end)
         (utt.relation.items utt 'Segment))
    (Parameter.set 'Duration_Method Duration_Simple_Tree)
    (set! simple_duration_cart_tree 
          (car (load "/home/awb/data/kdt/dur.tree" t)))
    Though of course you need to load in your tree not mine