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Wilderness: Macuna

Language Name: Macuna
TLC: myy

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 5.80
#utts aligned: 21590
Duration: 26:38:58

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 4.59

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: MYYWBT.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=4.59)

Input Text: SAN MATEO
Pronunciation:  pau s A n m A t e o pau
Input Text: Abraham ñayorʉ ito yicõri David ñayorʉ janerãbatia janami ñayijʉ Jesús.
Pronunciation:  pau A b r A h A m J A j o r x006p i t o j i ch o r i d A v i d J A j o r x006p dZ A n e r a b A t i A dZ A n A m i J A j i dZ x006p dZ e s y s pau
Input Text: Jesús ñicʉsabatia wame mʉare gotigʉ ya yʉ.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ e s y s J i ch x006p s A b A t i A w A m e m x006p A r e g o t i g x006p j A j x006p pau
Input Text: Ado bajiro wame cʉtiyoyijarã ĩna:
Pronunciation:  pau A d o b A dZ i r o w A m e ch x006p t i j o j i dZ A r a i n A pau
Input Text: Abraham ñayorʉ macʉ ñayijʉ Isaac.
Pronunciation:  pau A b r A h A m J A j o r x006p m A ch x006p J A j i dZ x006p i s A A ch pau
Input Text: Ito bero Isaac macʉ ñayijʉ Jacob.
Pronunciation:  pau i t o b e r o i s A A ch m A ch x006p J A j i dZ x006p dZ A ch o b pau
Input Text: Jacob macʉ ñayijʉ Judá.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ A ch o b m A ch x006p J A j i dZ x006p dZ u d A pau
Input Text: Ito yicõri gãjerã ĩ ocabaji mesa cʉni ñayijarã.
Pronunciation:  pau i t o j i ch o r i g a dZ e r a i o ch A b A dZ i m e s A ch x006p n i J A j i dZ A r a pau
Input Text: Judá rĩa ñayijarã Fares ito yicõri Zara wame cʉtirã. Ĩna jaco ñayijo Tamar.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ u d A r i A J A j i dZ A r a f A r e s i t o j i ch o r i z A r A w A m e ch x006p t i r a u0128p n A dZ A ch o J A j i dZ o t A m A r pau
Input Text: Ito bero Fares macʉ ñayijʉ Esrom.
Pronunciation:  pau i t o b e r o f A r e s m A ch x006p J A j i dZ x006p e s r o m pau

Alignment examples

Text: Ado bajiro wame cʉtiyoyijarã ĩna:
Aligned to: 
Text: Abraham ñayorʉ macʉ ñayijʉ Isaac.
Aligned to: 
Text: Ito bero Isaac macʉ ñayijʉ Jacob.
Aligned to: 
Text: Jacob macʉ ñayijʉ Judá.
Aligned to: 
Text: Ito yicõri gãjerã ĩ ocabaji mesa cʉni ñayijarã.
Aligned to: 
Text: Judá rĩa ñayijarã Fares ito yicõri Zara wame cʉtirã. Ĩna jaco ñayijo Tamar.
Aligned to: 
Text: Ito bero Fares macʉ ñayijʉ Esrom.
Aligned to: 
Text: Esrom macʉ ñayijʉ Aram.
Aligned to: 
Text: Aminadab macʉ ñayijʉ Naasón.
Aligned to: