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Wilderness: Tuyuca

Language Name: Tuyuca
TLC: tue

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 7.57
#utts aligned: 7600
Duration: 12:51:05

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 6.93

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: TUEWBT.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=6.93)

Input Text: San Mateo
Pronunciation:  pau s A n m A t e o pau
Input Text: Jesucristo ñecũ̶sũ̶mu̶ãye wãme ãno jóanoã.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ e s u ch r i s t o J e ch u x017p x007p s u x017p x007p m u x007p a j e w a m e a n o dZ o A n o a pau
Input Text: Jesucristo Abraham pãrãmi, teero biiri David pãrãmi niinu̶nu̶segu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ e s u ch r i s t o A b r A h A m p a r a m i pau t e e r o b i i r i d A v i d p a r a m i n i i n u x007p n u x007p s e g u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau
Input Text: Abraham Isaac pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau A b r A h A m i s A A ch p A ch u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau
Input Text: Isaac Jacob pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau i s A A ch dZ A ch o b p A ch u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau
Input Text: Jacob Judá, cũ̶ũ̶ sõwũ̶sũ̶mu̶ã, cũ̶ũ̶ baira pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ A ch o b dZ u d A pau ch u x017p x007p u x017p x007p s o w u x017p x007p s u x017p x007p m u x007p a pau ch u x017p x007p u x017p x007p b A i r A p A ch u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau
Input Text: Judá Fares pacu̶, teero biiri Zara pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau dZ u d A f A r e s p A ch u x007p pau t e e r o b i i r i A r A p A ch u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau
Input Text: Cṹ̶ã paco Tamar niiyigo.
Pronunciation:  pau ch u x007p x017p x022p a p A ch o t A m A r n i i j i g o pau
Input Text: Fares Esrom pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau f A r e s e s r o m p A ch u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau
Input Text: Esrom Aram pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Pronunciation:  pau e s r o m A r A m p A ch u x007p n i i j i g u x007p pau

Alignment examples

Text: Jesucristo ñecũ̶sũ̶mu̶ãye wãme ãno jóanoã.
Aligned to: 
Text: Abraham Isaac pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Aligned to: 
Text: Isaac Jacob pacu̶ niiyigu̶.
Aligned to: 
Text: San Mateo
Aligned to: 
Text: Jesús Judea dita niirí macã Belénpu̶ bauáyigu̶.
Aligned to: 
Text: Cũ̶ũ̶ bauárito, Herodes judíoaya dita õpũ̶ niiyigu̶.
Aligned to: 
Text: Toopú̶ jeara, sãĩñáyira:
Aligned to: 
Text: —¿Judíoa õpũ̶ niigũ̶du̶ noopú̶ bauáyiri?
Aligned to: 
Text: Ũ̶sã pu̶topu̶ muĩpũ mu̶ãatirope cũ̶ũ̶yagu̶ ñocõãwṹ̶rẽ ĩñawũ̶.
Aligned to: