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Wilderness: Goffa

Language Name: Goffa
TLC: gof

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 8.23
#utts aligned: 11246
Duration: 17:14:42

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 6.79

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: GOFTBL.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=6.79)

Input Text: Maatoosa
Pronunciation:  pau m A A t o o s A pau
Input Text: Hayssafe kaallidi xaafettidayssi Dawite
Pronunciation:  pau h A j s s A f e k A A l l i d i k s A A f e t t i d A j s s i d A w i t e pau
Input Text: naa Abrahame
Pronunciation:  pau n A A A b r A h A m e pau
Input Text: naa gidida Yesuus Kiristtoosa yeletethaa.
Pronunciation:  pau n A A g i d i d A j e s u u s k i r i s t t o o s A j e l e t e t h A A pau
Input Text: Abrahamey Yisaaqa yelis;
Pronunciation:  pau A b r A h A m e j j i s A A QM A j e l i s pau
Input Text: Yisaaqi Yayqooba yelis;
Pronunciation:  pau j i s A A QM i j A j QM o o b A j e l i s pau
Input Text: Yayqoobi Yihudanne iya ishata yelis;
Pronunciation:  pau j A j QM o o b i j i h u d A n n e i j A i s h A t A j e l i s pau
Input Text: Yihudi
Pronunciation:  pau j i h u d i pau
Input Text: Tiimaarippe Faaresenne Zaara yelis;
Pronunciation:  pau t i i m A A r i p p e f A A r e s e n n e z A A r A j e l i s pau
Input Text: Faaresi Asroome yelis;
Pronunciation:  pau f A A r e s i A s r o o m e j e l i s pau

Alignment examples

Text: Abrahamey Yisaaqa yelis;
Aligned to: 
Text: Yisaaqi Yayqooba yelis;
Aligned to: 
Text: Yayqoobi Yihudanne iya ishata yelis;
Aligned to: 
Text: Yihudi
Aligned to: 
Text: Asroomey Raame yelis;
Aligned to: 
Text: Raamey Aminaadabe yelis;
Aligned to: 
Text: Aminaadabey
Aligned to: 
Text: Naasoona yelis;
Aligned to: 
Text: Naasooney Salmoona yelis;
Aligned to: