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Wilderness: Oromo, Eastern

Language Name: Oromo, Eastern
TLC: hae

Alignments: examples
Error Score (Resynth MCD): 6.48
#utts aligned: 12089
Duration: 23:48:29

TTS: examples
TTS Score (RFS MCD): 5.43

Original link:
Index files to reconstruct alignments: HAEBSE.tar.gz

Text to speech examples (MCD=5.43)

Input Text: Maatewos
Pronunciation:  pau m A A t e w o s pau
Input Text: Abaabuun dhaloota Yesuus Kiristoos shanyii Daawwid, shanyii Abrahaam kunoo kana.
Pronunciation:  pau A b A A b u u n d h A l o o t A j e s u u s k i r i s t o o s s h A n j i i d A A w w i d pau s h A n j i i A b r A h A A m k u n o o k A n A pau
Input Text: Abrahaam Yisihaaq dhalche;
Pronunciation:  pau A b r A h A A m j i s i h A A QM d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Yisihaaq Yaaqoob dhalche;
Pronunciation:  pau j i s i h A A QM j A A QM o o b d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Yaaqoob Yihudaa fi obboleeyyan isaa ti dhadhalche.
Pronunciation:  pau j A A QM o o b j i h u d A A f i o b b o l e e j j A n i s A A t i d h A d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Yihudaan Taamaar irraa Faaresii fi Zaaraa dhalche;
Pronunciation:  pau j i h u d A A n t A A m A A r i r r A A f A A r e s i i f i z A A r A A d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Faares Hesrom dhalche;
Pronunciation:  pau f A A r e s h e s r o m d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Hesrom Aaram dhalche.
Pronunciation:  pau h e s r o m A A r A m d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Aaram Aminaadaab dhalche;
Pronunciation:  pau A A r A m A m i n A A d A A b d h A l ch h e pau
Input Text: Aminaadaab Nahasoon dhalche;
Pronunciation:  pau A m i n A A d A A b n A h A s o o n d h A l ch h e pau

Alignment examples

Text: Faares Hesrom dhalche;
Aligned to: 
Text: Hesrom Aaram dhalche.
Aligned to: 
Text: Salmoon Rahaab irraa Bohaaz dhalche;
Aligned to: 
Text: Bohaaz Ruut irraa Yoobeed dhalche;
Aligned to: 
Text: Daawwid niitii Uriiyaa irraa Solomoon dhalche.
Aligned to: 
Text: Rehobihaam Abiiyaa dhalche;
Aligned to: 
Text: Abiiyaan Asaaf dhalche.
Aligned to: 
Text: Asaaf Yoshaafaax dhalche;
Aligned to: 
Text: Yoshaafaax Yooraam dhalche;
Aligned to: