The Blizzard Challenge 2015 workshop was held on 11th September 2015 at Berlin, Germany.
- "The Blizzard Challenge 2015", Kishore Prahallad, Anandaswarup Vadapalli, Sai Krishna
Rallabandi, Santosh Kesiraju, Hema Murthy, T. Nagarajan, Bira Singh, Sajani T, K Sreenivasa Rao, Suryakanth V Gangashetty, Simon King, Keiichi Tokuda, Alan W Black (IIIT Hyderabad / IIT Madras / SSN College of Engineering / CDAC Trivandrum / CDAC Mumbai / IIT Kharagpur / CSTR / Nagoya Institute of Technology / CMU)
- "The USTC System for Blizzard Challenge 2015", Ling-Hui Chen, Zhen-Hua Ling, Xian-Jun Xia, Yuan Jiang, Yi-Qing Zu and Run-Qiang Yan (University of Science and Technology of China / iFLYTECH Research, China)
- "Blizzard Challenge 2015 : Submission by DONLab, IIT Madras", Anusha Prakash, Arun Baby, Aswin Shanmugam S, Jeena J Prakash, Nishanthi N L, Raghava Krishanan K, Rupak Vignesh Swaminathan and Hema A Murthy (IIT Madras, India)
- "IIIT Hyderabad's submission to the Blizzard Challenge 2015", Sai Krishna Rallabandi, Anandaswarup Vadapalli, Sivanand Achanta and Suryakanth V Gangashetty (IIIT Hyderabad)
- "The NST-GlottHMM entry to the Blizzard Challenge 2015", Oliver Watts, Srikanth Ronanki, Zhizeng Wu, Tuomi Raito and Attni Suni (CSTR / Aalto University / University of Helsinki)
- "The IRISA Text-To-Speech System for the Blizzard Challenge 2015", Pierre Alain, Jonathan Chevelu, David Guennec, Gwénolé Lecorvé, Damien Lolive (IRISA)
- "The NAIST Text-to-Speech System for the Blizzard Challenge 2015", Shinnosuke Takamichi, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Kou Tanaka, Tomoki Toda, Satoshi Nakamura (Nara Institute of Science and Technology / Nagoya Institute of Technology)
- "The NITECH HMM-based text-to-speech system for the Blizzard Challenge 2015", Kei Sawada, Kei Hashimoto, Keiichiro Oura, and Keiichi Tokuda (Nagoya Institute of Technology)